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New School Year, New Story–How to change your story–Help in Parenting Teens-Part 2

At every new juncture and transition, we can change our story and improve our lives.  Here is a way parents of teens can help their children of all ages, as well as themselves to have a better, more successful and happier life. 1-Share the story you carry right now with someone who will listen to you.  Include the good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly. 2-Hold on to the good stuff and pat yourself on the back for it. 3-Select a few elements of your story that you would like to change, and write them down on a card.  Make a few copies, one for your room, one for your refrigerator, and one to carry with you.  Email or text them to yourself daily. 4-Find out who to ask for help if you … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips

New School Year, New Story–Help in Parenting Teens-Part 1

We are on the cusp of a new school year. Whether you are parenting a teen, pre-teen or younger child, or for that matter a “young adult” here is some parenting help for you. New clothes, new binder, new hair-do, new look, new phone, new classes, new teachers, and on and on…..The theme of “new” comes up more and more as we approach the academic “d-day”. So why not a “new story” too!   By a new story, I mean that each year, whether we continue at the same school, graduate or move to a new school, or move to a new area altogether, we start a new chapter in the story that is our life. In that “new story” we can give voice and intention to new ways that we want to … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips

Back to School Pep Talk–Success Strategies

What kind of student are you?  What are your gifts and challenges? Perhaps you are someone who tends to procrastinate, forgets to do your homework, has problems doing well on tests, does assignments but forgets to turn them in, has a reputation for being disruptive in class, is often tardy, can’t remember the assignment. Do you have time-management issues or are plagued by distractions of media, texting or lack of motivation? Is your backpack a disastrous, disorganized mess? Are you sometimes even tempted to cheat or plagiarize, rather than disappoint your parents?  Maybe you are a student who is a perfectionist, a chronic worrier, or an over-achiever who is stressed, sleep-challenged and cannot turn it off.  Do you have well-intentioned parents with high, sometimes unrealistic expectations, which may frustrate you and cause you … Read entire article »

Filed under: Featured, parenting advice, parenting teens, parenting tips