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Tip for Parenting your Teen When They are Having a Bad Day

Share this with your kids if they have had a bad day, or even a good day! You are among friends.  No problem is insurmountable, or permanent. Wisdom and growth come from hardship, from what is experienced as pain.  Pain and strong emotions are pointers for focusing our attention on those areas that we need to pay attention to, to see a new way, guide us to making an uncomfortable change or be vulnerable in a way that feels scary. Here is a message for you at this moment.  This helps to ground me so I can find the way through this complicated life: That you have a life is a gift, a blessing, a miracle. You are meant to be.    Your life is a gift.  You are here for a reason. The moment you were conceived … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips

Parenting Your Teens; 10 is the new 30

While so many of our young adults are coming back home from college, jobless, penniless and in debt (”. and totally dependent on us, many of us continue to treat our children like “little adults”.  Thus  “30 is the New 10” and “10 is the New 30. What does this all mean? Back in “the day “(40’s- 60’s) “authoritarian parenting” was common.  This essentially featured such strategies and admonitions as “you will do what I say when I say it”,  “In my house we you will do it our way.”, “Do as I say, not as I do” and “Children should be seen and not heard.”  Violations often were met with strict punishments, ridicule, humiliation, verbal and physical abuse.  Thank goodness we are not “back in that day” anymore! That approach and … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips