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Summer Camp is Here Again!

For some kids and teenagers, summer is a time to rest, relax, vacation, sleep in and forget about responsibility.  The novelty usually wears off as the second month of summer vacation sets in and the enjoyment is often replaced by excessive sleeping, immersion in video games and social media, and complaining of boredom. Such behavior is common with teenagers.  Younger children can be drawn towards sibling rivalry, excessive videos, and whines of “there’s nothing to do.”   In parenting teens and young kids, you’ll observe that without the routines of the school year, they are prone to getting into mischief. You don’t need to worry about these things in your household because you have the option of Summer Camp. It offers much fun, adventuring and personal growth are offered there. Summer Camp … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips, summer camp

“Parenting Martial Arts”

What the heck is that?  Parenting is an art to practice, refine and reinvent when not working. Martial arts is a perfect container for parenting skills, techniques and strategies. When we study or practice martial arts, most people are not learning it to harm or hurt others.  We are learning the particular discipline for the following reasons: 1-To improve our focus, to center ourselves and be in control of our actions 2-To become more effective in meeting all challenges, obstacles, threats and emergencies 3-To help us feel comfortable, protected and safe in the world as well as in our homes 4-To disarm adversaries, ideally without harming them or being harmed our selves 5-To avoid unpleasant encounters and to moderate our reactions by not acting out of impulse, anger, vindictiveness, vengeance, antipathy, jealousy and on and on 6-To prepare … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips