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Feel Powerless in Parenting Your Teens?

What do I do if I have given up all of my parental authority to my kids and feel powerless? Your kids have you programmed.  They know exactly how many times to ignore you before you get upset and lose it.  You are constantly spending time trying to figure out how to say things to your kids without upsetting them.  You are intimidated by the fear that your child will “melt down” and throw a fit.  You find yourself apologizing for parenting your own teen.  You are worried that your child will stop loving you. You’re arguing with your parenting partner about how to parent teens.  You are stepping down to their level, yelling, crying and even swearing at them.  They do what they want when they want, and you are … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips

Karma Savings Account…It Pays to be Nice!

In parenting teens and children, we often ask why they cannot be nice, or ask nicely.  Teens are often told they have a “bad attitude” and parents of teens are known for being annoyed by such behavior. There are many reasons to be nice, kind, cooperative and healthfully compliant  The fruits and rewards of “good behavior” are endless.  There are often no immediate rewards for being nice, and many of us default to being “snarky”, nasty, contentious, contrary and difficult.  Many folks have this negative, aggressive approach confused with “assertiveness”.  “If I am difficult, I will get my way. People will strive to please me and give in more easily.”  “If I am too nice, people will walk all over me”, “No good deed goes unpunished!”  We often even congratulate each other … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips

Beautiful Blessing

“Today may there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.”   Mother Teresa (but perhaps the original author was St. Thérèse de Lisieux – whom Mother Teresa greatly admired).   … Read entire article »

Filed under: Blessings

Instructive Criticism in Parenting Teens

There are times when you have to give feedback, corrections or criticism.  What if you are a boss , or a parent, or a husband or a wife, or a colleague, or a coach or a great friend? You love the person too much to not reflect your reactions?  And yet criticism spoken to unwilling ears is useless, regardless of authority or consequences.  And if it is spoken as a threat or a punishment, it ceases to be instructive all together.   Well, there is a way to do this inside the parameters of being kind, nice and compassionate. It is called “instructive criticism”.  What is “instructive criticism” and why is it better than other forms of criticism? “Destructive” or uncompassionate criticism sounds like; “You failed!  You suck.  You did that badly.  You … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting teens, parenting tips

New School Year, New Story–How to change your story–Help in Parenting Teens-Part 2

At every new juncture and transition, we can change our story and improve our lives.  Here is a way parents of teens can help their children of all ages, as well as themselves to have a better, more successful and happier life. 1-Share the story you carry right now with someone who will listen to you.  Include the good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly. 2-Hold on to the good stuff and pat yourself on the back for it. 3-Select a few elements of your story that you would like to change, and write them down on a card.  Make a few copies, one for your room, one for your refrigerator, and one to carry with you.  Email or text them to yourself daily. 4-Find out who to ask for help if you … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips

New School Year, New Story–Help in Parenting Teens-Part 1

We are on the cusp of a new school year. Whether you are parenting a teen, pre-teen or younger child, or for that matter a “young adult” here is some parenting help for you. New clothes, new binder, new hair-do, new look, new phone, new classes, new teachers, and on and on…..The theme of “new” comes up more and more as we approach the academic “d-day”. So why not a “new story” too!   By a new story, I mean that each year, whether we continue at the same school, graduate or move to a new school, or move to a new area altogether, we start a new chapter in the story that is our life. In that “new story” we can give voice and intention to new ways that we want to … Read entire article »

Filed under: parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips